Buckfast Breeding Register

Welcome to the next generation of Buckfast Pedigrees!

Based on Jean-Marie van Dyck's pedigree data collection with many additional features.

With the above links you will find helpful hints and programs to facilitate the Buckfast breeding organization.

All pedigrees from Br Adam to the nowadays are included.

Publish your pedigree and save the work of Br Adam!

All Buckfast pedigrees are welcome and this platform is open for all Buckfast breeders. There are no costs. Donations are welcome.

Notice for inserting new pedigrees:

Send your pedigree in a Text-Format-File to: pedigree@karlkehrle.org

Here is an example: Download pedigree example (.docx)

Here is a pedigree video: Create a pedigree

The Karl Kehrle Foundation works on an honorary basis. The costs for the administration and maintenance of the Pedigree and the Bibliography are covered by donations.

For your donation please click here ....

Your donation will be fully used to maintain and develop the work of the Foundation.

It is possible to mark queens who are under Apimondia Open Source license with an Asterisk     Apimondia license

Your Karl Kehrle Foundation Team.

Code Mating station full name Coordinates
Code Insemination station full name Coordinates
Code Import status full name
Code Race/Population short name Race/Population full name


Information according to § 5 TMG:

Name: Stichting Karl Kehrle
Street: Anemoonstraat 53
ZIP Code, City: 3261XA Oud-Beijerland Netherlands

Represented by:

Stichting Karl Kehrle, represented by Jean-Marie van Dyck (Chairman)


EMail: jean-marie[at]pedigreeapis.org

Register entry:

Entry in the register of associations.

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Board member
Andreas Zoelzer
Birkhuhnweg 24
85737 Ismaning

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*)Please insert a valid email address!

Updated pedigrees

Pedigree Dmitry Demyanyuk: DAD_2024, created or updated: 19.03.2025

Pedigree Artem Sokolovskiy: ASO_2024, created or updated: 18.03.2025

Pedigree Anthony Chicheil: ACL_2024, created or updated: 10.03.2025

Pedigree Arjan van der Veen: AVe_2024, created or updated: 09.03.2025

Pedigree Arjan van der Veen: AVe_2023, created or updated: 09.03.2025

Pedigree Steffen Pfau: PU_2024, created or updated: 09.03.2025

Pedigree Marcel Schneider: MSM_2024, created or updated: 09.03.2025

Pedigree Rainer Ohlen: ROW_2024, created or updated: 25.02.2025

Pedigree Sven Ledovski: SL_2024, created or updated: 22.02.2025

Pedigree Arjan van der Veen: AVe_2021, 19.02.2025

Pedigree Margarete &Roland Kerschgens: MRK_2023, 19.02.2025

Pedigree Florian Sprüderer: FSP_2024, 18.02.2025

Pedigree Margarete &Roland Kerschgens: MRK_2024, 18.02.2025

Pedigree Norbert Schott: NSG_2024, 18.02.2025

MKN_2024, 10.02.2025

VAN_2024, 10.02.2025

TKN_2024, 10.02.2025

TKN_2023, 10.02.2025

AGV_2024, 24.01.2025

MAN_2024, 24.01.2025

VIP_2024, 24.01.2025

MU_2024, 23.01.2025

AMC_2024, 23.01.2025

AMC_2023, 23.01.2025

GVN_2024, 22.01.2025

GVN_2023, 22.01.2025

GVN_2022, 22.01.2025

SAN_2024, 20.01.2025

SFW_2024, 17.01.2025

BSC_2024, 17.01.2025

ADK_2024, 16.01.2025

VKV_2024, 16.01.2025

VKV_2023, 15.01.2025

MRE_2024, 15.01.2025

TAM_2024, 14.01.2025

GEM_2024, 14.01.2025

SMG_2024, 13.01.2025

NJO_2024, 13.01.2025

JAB_2024, 23.12.2024

TGZ_2023, 18.12.2024

EJW_2024, 16.12.2024

VVK_2024, 16.12.2024

KK_2024, 12.12.2024

KID_2024, 11.12.2024

PJ_2024, 11.12.2024

ALE_2024, 09.12.2024

PYE_2024, 09.12.2024

ARK_2024, 08.12.2024

AVM_2024, 08.12.2024

TK_2024, 07.12.2024

SDV_2024, 25.11.2024

MDM_2024, 25.11.2024

FAN_2024, 25.11.2024

DZ_2024, 25.11.2024

GRP_2024, 25.11.2024

MR_2024, 18.11.2024

SJR_2024, 18.11.2024

PP_2024, 16.11.2024

LOZ_2024, 13.11.2024

HOS_2024, 11.11.2024

JBB_2024, 07.11.2024

CAS_2024, 06.11.2024

CAS_2023, 06.11.2024

CAS_2022, 06.11.2024

CAS_2021, 06.11.2024

CAS_2020, 06.11.2024

TLa_2024, 05.11.2024

ABg_2024, 04.11.2024

KS_2024, 04.11.2024

HJT_2023, 17.10.2024

ALE_2023, corrected breedercode from ALM -> ALE 17.10.2024

LS_2024, 15.10.2024

BMH_2023, 12.10.2024

BMH_2022, 11.10.2024

BMH_2021, 11.10.2024

FTI_2024, 11.10.2024

RS_2024, 11.10.2024

JBH_2023, 08.05.2024

MF_2023, 05.05.2024

NSG_2023, 04.05.2024

SOL_2023, 25.04.2024

SOL_2022, 25.04.2024

PZN_2023, 25.04.2024

DD_2023, 23.04.2024

AvD_2023, 16.04.2024

AH_2023, 08.04.2024

VG_2022, 04.04.2024

VG_2021, 04.04.2024

GN_2023, 25.03.2024

MIK_2021, 25.03.2024

ASO_2023, 25.03.2024

FF_2023, 23.03.2024

DGB_2023, 21.03.2024

FF_2022, 20.03.2024

AAF_2023, 17.03.2024

ACL_2023, 15.03.2024

ACL_2022, 14.03.2024

SC_2022, 10.03.2024

KID_2023, 07.03.2024

LEH_2023, 01.03.2024

BLW_2023, 29.02.2024

TWS_2023, 28.02.2024

KKS_2023, 28.02.2024

GSS_2023, 28.02.2024

GSS_2022, 28.02.2024

MMU_2023, 14.02.2024

MMU_2022, 14.02.2024

MMU_2021, 14.02.2024

AER_2023, 13.02.2024

PU_2023, 12.02.2024

ROW_2023, 11.02.2024

BGM_2023, 06.02.2024

GSZ_2023, 05.02.2024

FTI_2023, 05.02.2024

TN_2023, 04.02.2024

MP_2023, 04.02.2024

ARK_2023, 04.02.2024

CFK_2023, 04.02.2024

BZF_2023, 04.02.2024

MR_2023, 27.01.2024

SL_2023, 26.01.2024

SPL_2023, 25.01.2024

WJA_2023, 25.01.2024

SAG_2023, 23.01.2024

SFW_2023, 22.01.2024

SPL_2022, 11.01.2024

ALM_2023, 10.01.2024

VDH_2023, 09.01.2024

MRE_2023, 08.01.2024

GKT_2023, 08.01.2024

NJO_2023, 05.01.2024

ADK_2023, 04.01.2024

CHU_2023, 04.01.2024

MU_2023, 03.01.2024

MU_2022, 03.01.2024

VIP_2023, 02.01.2024

LS_2007, 02.01.2024

SAS_2023, 02.01.2024

LDA_2023, 02.01.2024

RF_2023, 02.01.2024

Created Queen HTML pages

Example: ´(KK)` or ´20` or ´B`, etc.   To get all created HTML files empty the search field and click [Search] again!

Breeder Overview (Selection)...

Search/filter all breeders Search
Search/filter breeders by country
Search/filter by breeder code Search
Search/filter by breeder name Search
Search/filter by pedigree year Search

Breeder overview (Result) ...

Full pedigree ...

Details of ...

Pedigree as diagram (the marked breeder colony numbers have an influence on the COI calculation)      Zoom       Orientation:       Level:  (min = 1, max = 9)      

Drone colonies Overview (Selection) ...

Search/filter all drone colonies Search
Search/filter drone colonies by country
Search/filter drone colonies by year Search
Search/filter drones per mating-/insemination station with searchtext Search Example: "hbg" or "Hausberg" or "ibay", etc.

Drones overview (Result) ...

Details ...

Pedigree as diagram (the marked breeder colony numbers have an influence on the COI calculation)      Zoom       Orientation:       Level:  (min = 1, max = 9)      

Analyse pedigree register ...

Search for a breeder colony: Allowed all letters or letter combinations. Example: ´(K` or ´(KK)` or ´B` or ´123` or ´1dr` or ´Vt`, etc.Sperate more search keywords with blank. Example: ´P(KK)` or ´B(LS)1dr`
Search result
Details of selected breeder colony
Pedigree as chart (the marked breeder number has an influence on the COI calculation)      Zoom       Orientation:       Level:  (min = 1, max = 9)      

Predict COI for mating partner (COI = Coefficient of Inbreeding)

Search for mating partners for a breeder colony: and birthyear Allowed for example: "B950(PP)1dr" or "(PP)1dr" or "(PP)" in breeder colony field and for example: .19 in birthyear field

Breeding value estimation

Show queen birthyear Search for a queen Allowed all letters or letter combinations. Example: ´(K` or ´(KK)` or ´B` or ´123` or ´1dr` or ´Vt`, etc.
Breederqueen Birthyear Pedigree Vit. of bees Vit. of brood Temper Calm Swarmtendency Fertility Crop early Crop summer Overwintering Build. combs Build. propolis Varroa Number Varroa VSH COI % used as breeder queen COI % used as drone mother

Treatment free colonies

Select queen birthyear
Breederqueen Birthyear Pedigree Evalyear Vit. of bees Vit. of brood Temper Calm Swarmtendency Fertility Crop early Crop summer Overwintering Build. combs Build. propolis Varroa Number Varroa VSH % Hygiene Comment
© Karl Kehrle Foundation

Renaud Lavend'Homme (BE) [Translation to French]

Nelson Esteves (PT) [Translation to Portuguese]

Kirill & Ekaterina Vasiliev   Кирилл Васильев [Translation to Russian]

Ilya Rezvykh [Translation to Russian]

Achiel Dhooge [Translation to Dutch]

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Klakow [Breeding value estimination and calculation of Coefficient of Inbreeding]

This page provides predicted coefficients of inbreeding (COI) when mating a breeder colony (mother) with a drone colony in 2022.

You can search by name of the planned mother colony and year of birth of the queen of the mother colony. In case the name is part of an anonymous queen (e.g B466(FF)) and the year of birth is the previous year (in 2022 this would be .21) also mating partners for anonymous queens (e.g. that have B466(FF).21 as a parent) are displayed.

If there are multiple hits for the same search, multiple tabs are displayed, one for each possible mother colony matching the search. By clicking on a tab, you can select a mother colony.

Queen bee COI child colony: as the queen of the child colony is a sister of the workers of the mother colony, the queen's coefficient of inbreeding is identical to the coefficient of inbreeding of the workers of the mother colony and cannot be influenced by mating in 2022. This is the COI displayed in the corresponding tabs.

Below the tabs you see the results for the different possible drone colonies. By clicking on the red arrow, you can sort the table by increasing/decreasing COI.

Worker bee COI child colony: the inbreeding of the workers depends on the type of mating. Single Drone Insemination (SDI) resulting in the highest COI, Multiple Drone Insemination (MDI, all drones from the same colony) in a moderate COI and a mating station in the lowest COI. Of course in any case the COI of the parents and their relatedness has overall a very big effect.

By clicking on the “show” button, the full pedigree of queen and drone colonies and their evaluation are displayed.

Note: this is available only for colonies which have been added to the pedigree before January 1st 2022. Updates can be provided in monthly intervals.

We follow the approach by Bienefeld et al. 2007 https://www.apidologie.org/articles/apido/pdf/2007/01/m6058.pdf and Bienefeld et al. 1989 https://www.apidologie.org/articles/apido/pdf/1989/05/Apidologie_0044-8435_1989_20_5_ART0009.pdf

A breeding value of 100 means that 50% of the queens are better than all queens, 50% are worse. 110 means the queen is better than 84% of all queens. For 120 the queen is better than 98% of all queens.

Last year, the breeding values were normalized with respect to the average evaluation. This year, the breading values are normalized as in beebreed.

More info about the breeding value estimation on https://www2.hu-berlin.de/beebreed/ZWS/do/de/faq.php (in German)